How we partnered with other brands

Discover how other brands have worked with us in the past

and decide how best you would like to integrate our knowledge.

hire an independant therapist

We have a network of highly skilled AXO Therapists who are already offering the AXO Method. These therapists have undergone comprehensive training and are active members of the AXO Family, continuously contributing to and benefiting from ongoing learning within our network. This partnership presents a no-commitment, risk-free opportunity to add our specialized posture and wellbeing treatment to your service offerings.

Train your team internally

Training your team internally not only saves money but also allows you to build your own network of skilled therapists. We offer comprehensive initial training along with annual updates featuring external speakers and additional learning opportunities. Empower your team to grow and become part of a treatment method that truly makes a difference.

Create your own treatment

Collaborate directly with Guillaume Guibordeau, the founder of the AXO Method, to develop a bespoke treatment that perfectly aligns with your brand’s values and products. This in-depth partnership allows you to leverage Guillaume’s extensive expertise to create a unique and tailored therapy that enhances your product’s benefits and resonates with your clientele. Elevate your brand by offering a signature treatment that stands out in the market.

As partnered with 

As partnered with 

As partnered with 

Our partnership with Six Senses Ibiza

Six Senses Ibiza, renowned for its luxurious and holistic wellness experiences, sought to enhance its range of treatments by integrating a unique and scientifically-backed therapy. They chose the AXO Method, a comprehensive body treatment known for its innovative approach combining osteopathic scooping, lymphatic drainage, and passive stretching. This decision was driven by the desire to offer guests an unparalleled wellness experience that aligns with the Six Senses’ commitment to holistic health and well-being.

set up

The challenge for Six Senses was to introduce a new treatment method without disrupting their existing operations and to ensure that the new therapy would seamlessly blend with their high standards of service. Additionally, they wanted to offer this new treatment without the immediate need for extensive internal staff training.

Six Senses Ibiza opted for the first partnership model offered by the AXO Method: integrating an already trained AXO therapist into their team. They welcomed Eva, an experienced and certified AXO therapist, to provide the AXO Method treatments on-site and on demand. This approach allowed Six Senses to introduce the AXO Method risk-free, as they only rented a treatment room to Eva when there was demand for the specific AXO therapy.


Selection and Integration: Eva, already a part of the AXO Family, brings her expertise and commitment to continuous learning. Her integration was smooth, requiring minimal disruption to Six Senses’ existing operations.

Facility Adaptation: A designated treatment room is rented to Eva for the on-demand AXO Method sessions, ensuring it meets the necessary requirements for the therapy while maintaining the Six Senses’ standard of luxury and comfort.

Marketing and Promotion: The partnership is promoted through Six Senses’ marketing channels, highlighting the unique benefits of the AXO Method and the exclusive availability of Eva’s treatments at the Ibiza location.


Enhanced Guest Experience: Guests at Six Senses Ibiza experience the transformative benefits of the AXO Method, leading to increased satisfaction and positive feedback.

Risk-Free Integration: By calling on an external therapist, Six Senses was able to offer a new, high-quality treatment without the need for immediate internal staff training or significant investment.

Increased Demand: The introduction of the AXO Method attracted new guests and provided existing guests with an innovative treatment option, thereby boosting the spa’s overall appeal and revenue.

Brand Alignment: The collaboration reinforced Six Senses’ reputation for offering cutting-edge wellness treatments that align with their holistic health philosophy.

The integration of the AXO Method at Six Senses Ibiza through the inclusion of Eva, a certified AXO therapist, proved to be a successful and strategic move. It allowed Six Senses to expand their treatment offerings risk-free while maintaining their high standards of service and guest satisfaction. This case study exemplifies the effectiveness of partnering with the AXO Method and highlights the potential benefits for other luxury wellness destinations considering a similar collaboration.

Our partnership with Thalazur

The Thalazur group, known for its exceptional marine-based wellness treatments, decided to enhance its service offerings by incorporating the AXO Method into their repertoire. This initiative aimed to provide their guests with a unique and scientifically-grounded therapy that complements their holistic wellness philosophy.

set up

Thalazur wanted to integrate the AXO Method across multiple locations without relying on external therapists. Their goal was to train their in-house team members thoroughly to ensure consistent and high-quality delivery of the AXO treatments. The main challenge was to ensure that the staff could master the new techniques while maintaining their usual high standards of service.

Thalazur opted for the second partnership model offered by the AXO Method: training their internal team. The process included initial comprehensive training followed by continuous support and updates to keep the therapists at the forefront of the latest techniques and scientific advancements.


Initial Training: Thalazur’s therapists completed a thorough training program with theoretical online sessions and a week of hands-on practice. Serge Fourcade, Head of quality and products, praised the training’s effectiveness.

Six-Month Follow-Up Visit: A follow-up visit showed increased demand for the AXO Method, prompting additional training to respond to increasing demand.

Continued Support and Updates: To keep therapists confident and stay up to date with scientific advancements and research, Thalazur implemented ongoing training and support.


Enhanced Therapist Skills: Thalazur therapists became adept at delivering the AXO Method, resulting in high client satisfaction and a noticeable increase in demand.

Positive Feedback: The feedback from both staff and clients has been overwhelmingly positive. The therapists appreciated the thorough training and felt confident in their ability to perform the treatments.

Increased Demand: The unique benefits of the AXO Method have driven higher bookings, prompting Thalazur to request more training to meet this growing interest.

Strengthened Brand Reputation: By integrating an advanced and scientifically-backed method like AXO, Thalazur has reinforced its reputation as a leader in innovative wellness solutions.

The successful internal training and subsequent integration of the AXO Method at Thalazur highlights the effectiveness of this approach. With enthusiastic feedback from staff and clients, and a marked increase in demand, Thalazur’s experience demonstrates the value of investing in thorough training and continuous support. This case study showcases the potential for other wellness centers to adopt a similar model, ensuring high-quality, innovative treatments that enhance guest satisfaction and drive business growth.

Our partnership with Argentum

Argentum, renowned for its innovative skincare products incorporating Silver Hydrosol and DNA HP, approached us to create a bespoke face treatment. This treatment was designed to complement their flagship products: the dry natural oil “L’étoile infinie,” the masque “Le Masque Infini,” and their dry brushes. Our mission was to develop a treatment that not only enhanced the effectiveness of these products but also aligned with Argentum’s brand values and luxurious experience.

set up

The primary objective was to design a facial treatment that utilized Argentum’s unique ingredients and products to provide clients with a transformative skincare experience. This treatment needed to:

1. Enhance the absorption and efficacy of Silver Hydrosol and DNA HP.

2. Use Argentum’s dry brushes following natural meridians and flow.

3. Create a luxurious and relaxing experience that reflected the brand’s high standards.

We collaborated closely with Argentum to understand their products’ benefits and how best to integrate them into a cohesive treatment. 


1. Masque Application: Apply “Le Masque Infini” to allow Silver Hydrosol and DNA HP to deeply penetrate and rejuvenate the skin.

2. Oil Massage: Use “L’étoile infinie” oil for a collagen-boosting massage, creating a natural lifting effect and nourishing the skin.

3. Dry Brushing Enhance the treatment with Argentum’s dry brushes to exfoliate, promote lymphatic drainage, and push away impurities.

4. Cream Application: Finish with a soft massage using Argentum’s cream “potion infinie” to feed and hydrate the skin, leaving it radiant and healthy.


The bespoke face treatment for Argentum successfully combined the unique properties of their products into a luxurious, effective skincare routine. Clients reported immediate improvements in skin texture, hydration, and overall radiance. The use of Silver Hydrosol and DNA HP was maximized through the carefully designed steps, ensuring optimal absorption and benefits.

Argentum was thrilled with the bespoke face treatment, noting that it perfectly complemented their product line and enhanced their brand’s luxurious image. The treatment received positive feedback from clients who experienced it, praising its effectiveness and the visible improvements in their skin’s appearance.

Our partnership with Argentum exemplifies how a tailored approach to skincare can elevate a brand’s offering and provide clients with exceptional experiences. By understanding and integrating the unique benefits of Argentum’s products, we created a bespoke face treatment that not only met but exceeded expectations, showcasing the transformative power of Silver Hydrosol and DNA HP in a professional setting.

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